Kelly Dwyer
I have perianal fistulizing Crohn’s Disease, primarily in my terminal ileum. I was diagnosed in 2018 after more than 16 years of acutely failing health. I have faced incompetent, gaslighting physicians and infusion centers, private equity firms putting profits over patients, criminally negligent health insurance companies driven by greed, multiple drug failures and surgery.
I currently maintain my health on a biologic injectable medication that I take at home, weekly. I’ve had four previous biologics fail me, and have been on multiple forms of steroids, frequently, to combat my flares and try to bring me to stable health.
I’m a mom to two wonderful kids, a teen and a pre-teen. And I’m a spouse to an incredible partner who inspires me everyday. We currently live in the Washington DC Metro area, close to family and our support network. I write speculative fiction in my free time, and you can learn more about my writing at DeviousDwyer.com.
Like many people with IBD, I live with life-altering disabilities from my disease, but I do my best, everyday, to Keep My Shit Together.
My Goals
I’m driven to speak out against the conditions in the medical field that led to the delay in my diagnosis, as well as the lack of education and training for many physicians that caused my disease to be misdiagnosed as anxiety, hormonal imbalances and IBS. I fight for healthcare access for everyone, education for the broader medical field about IBD and its extraintestinal manifestations, and equity in IBD research and clinical trials.
I wish to destigmatize the idea of a “bathroom disease.” Words are power, and I refuse to be ashamed about my shit, my poop, my diarrhea, my anus, my butt, my rectum, or any other term that helps me to communicate the effects of this disease on my body. Reclaiming these terms and empowering patients to speak up and speak out, moving beyond shame and embarrassment, is a critical part of ensuring that IBD, and other digestive diseases, are diagnosed and treated early.

Credits and Disclaimers
I am not a doctor or medical professional. I provide links to information and research as best as I am able, but I do not endorse or validate the quality of the data or sources, unless otherwise indicated. I encourage you to take my experiences and resources suggested, and use them to open a dialogue with your medical professional to get the best care you can.
All Photos: Credit Kelly Dwyer. Do not use without permission.
Graphics & Icons: Open/Free License, Canva